Feb 2 | San Jose (Prophet Elias Greek Orthodox Church, 7pm) |
Feb 3 | Belvedere CA (St Stephen's Episcopal Church, 7:30pm) |
Feb 4 | Santa Rosa CA (Sts. Peter and Paul Russian Ort. Church, 10am) |
| San Francisco CA (Grace Cathedral, 4pm) |
Feb 6 | Jackson CA (Saint Sava Serbian church, 6:30pm) |
Feb 7 | Jackson CA (liturgy and concert, 8am) |
Feb 8 | San Jose (Center of Russian culture Rossinka , 6:30pm) |
Feb 9 | San Francisco (Russian Festival, all days) |
Feb 10 | San Francisco (Russian Festival, all days) |
Feb 11 | San Francisco (Russian Festival, all days) |
Feb 13 | El Sobrante (United Methodist Church, 6:30 pm) |
Feb 14 | Eureka CA (St. Innocent Orthodox Christian Church, 7pm) |
Feb 15 | Walnut Creek CA (Rossmoor Event Center, 7pm) |
Feb 16 | Castro Valley CA (St. John Kronstadt Health Care Center, 0:30 pm) |
Feb 17 | Walnut Creek CA (St. Paul's Episcopal Church , 7pm) |
Feb 18 | Palo Alto CA (Protection of the Holy Virgin Ort. Church, 10am) |
| Concord CA (St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church, 7pm) |
Feb 20 | Las Vegas |
Feb 25 | Anaheim CA (Saint Mary Romanian Church, 9:30am) |
| Tarzana CA (St Innocent Orthodox Church OCA, evening ) |