Jan 30 – Feb 1 | San Francisco (Russian Festival, Russian Center) |
Jan 31 | San Francisco (Holy Virgin Cathedral, liturgy, 8am) |
Feb 5 | San Francisco (Foreign Diplomat Reception, Russian American Community Services , ) |
Feb 6 | El Sobrante CA (United Methodist Church , 7:30) |
Feb 7-8 | Sacramento (Holy Ascension Church, Russian Festival) |
Feb 9 | Jackson CA (Saint Sava Serbian church, 7pm) |
Feb 11 | Eugene OR (St.George Greek Ort. Church, 6:30pm) |
Feb 12 | Eugene OR (St. John Serbian Church, liturgy, morning) |
| Corvallis OR (St. Martin the Merciful Russian Orthodox Church, 7pm) |
Feb 13 | Eureka CA (St. Innocent Orthodox Christian Church, 7pm) |
Feb 15 | Palo Alto CA (Protection of the Holy Virgin Church +liturgy, 12noon) |
Feb 20 | Culver City CA (Joy of All Who Sorrow Orthodox Church, 8pm) |
Feb 22 | San Diego CA (St.John of Kronshtadt Russian Orthodox church, liturgy, morning) |
| Carlsbad CA (St. Elizabeth Seton Church, 4pm) |
Feb 23 | Ojai CA (St Thomas Aquinas Church, 7pm) |